Saturday, September 29, 2012

Coffee: To Drink or Not to Drink?

The Non-Drinkers
There are many people who do not drink coffee. Why? Many simply have never tried it. But there are others who have purposely not tried coffee for varying reasons. Some of these reasons include:
  • Fear of addiction
  • Adverse health effects
  • Might dislike the taste
The question is, are these valid reasons not to drink coffee? 

To Drink or Not to Drink
Fear of addiction
While caffeine is a drug, this doesn't mean you have to be addicted. You can drink decaffeinated coffee or simply set yourself a daily limit. Most people don't become addicted to the point where they can't function without it. But if you lack the self discipline or struggle with other addictions, maybe coffee isn't for you. 

Adverse health effects
According to Harvard Medical School, "current research reveals that in moderation—a few cups a day—coffee is a safe beverage that may even offer some health benefits." Coffee in moderation is not harmful, and actually has some benefits. The risk of type 2 diabetes, gallstones, liver damage, Parkinson's disease, and colon cancer, can be lowered by the regular intake of coffee. Coffee also can improve cognitive function and endurance performance in long-duration physical activities. Interesting huh? Coffee can be healthy for you. 

Might dislike the taste
As an argument against trying coffee, this is a weak argument. How will you know if you dislike the taste until you try it? And even if you dislike straight black coffee (like me), you might like it with cream or sugar. Or maybe flavored coffee is your thing. There are many drinks that are made from coffee or espresso that are very different from just plain black coffee. 

Are You a Drinker?
How about you? Have you tried coffee? You haven't? Well what are you waiting for? You can open a door to a multitude of possibilities with one simple sip. Try some and let me know what you think!

Source: Havard Health